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Black and White House

The Black and White Half Timbered style of Elizabethan architecture The actual architecture of Middle class houses was similar to traditional medieval styles. But Elizabethan Houses were framed with massive upright, vertical timbers. These vertical timbers were often supported by diagonal timbers.The wattle walls were daubed with mortar and whitewash was then applied. This process resulted in the highly distinctive black and white half-timbered Elizabethan Houses.

The tall thin chimneys of Elizabethan houses were often topped with decorative chimney pots with symmetrical patterns.

Elizabethan houses included the following features:

  • Vertical and diagonal timbers

  • High chimneys

  • Over hanging first floors - galleries

  • Pillared porches

  • Dormer windows

  • Thatched roofs

  • Leaded windows

 Elizabethan Architecture Origin: 

Elizabethan Architecture is the term given to the early Renaissance architecture in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st. It was also in the same period where many other countries in Europe was also in their Renaissance period. The design inherited Tudor Architecture and was later on developed into Jacobean Architecture and a limited amount into Palladian Architecture. The Elizabethan Architecture was resulted from the demand of the society in building new civic building, houses and Churches at the time as the society is doing better financially.

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